Certificate Verification

Online and in-person certification courses are available. 

Effective November 1, 2022, the following fees will apply:

  • Grower Pesticide Safety Course: $135
  • Pesticide Vendor Certification Course: $235
  • On-Farm Instructor Course: $75
  • Farmer Assistant training: $30

    Certification fees on credit with us:  We can apply your payment for a previously cancelled course to a future course. If you would like to request a refund for a course, please email rcopep@uoguelph.ca -- include your name, the town and the date of the course you had signed up for.   

    Certified Farmers

    Farmers must be certified to buy and use Class B or C pesticides on their farms or woodlots, or on the farm where they work.  To become certified, a farmer must complete the Grower Pesticide Safety Course. We offer online and in-person courses. 

    Before January 1, 2021, there were some agricultural pesticides that farmers were allowed to buy and use without certification, called Class 4.  As of January 1, 2021, farmers need to be certified to buy and use these pesticides.  

    Farmer Assistants

    In Ontario, farm workers who mix, load or apply Class B or C pesticides under the supervision of a Certified Farmer must be trained.  Supervised farm workers are called Farmer Assistants.  There are two ways for Farmer Assistants to participate in training. They can:

    1. participate in a one-day in-person Grower Pesticide Safety Course or
    2. participate in a Pesticide Safety for Farmer Assistants training session presented by an On-Farm Instructor.

    On Farm Instructors

    To train farm workers at the farm, first you must take the On Farm Instructor course. You will learn how to train Farmer Assistants in the best practices of using pesticides safely. Prerequisite is holding a valid Grower Pesticide Safety Course certificate.

    Pesticide Vendors

    Pesticide vendors need to be certified under the Pesticide Vendor Certification Course before applying for a General Vendor pesticide licence. In Ontario, pesticide vendors need a licence to sell or transfer pesticides. There are three types of pesticide vendor licences: General Vendor, Limited Vendor, and Treated Seed Vendor. Each separate business location needs its own vendor licence.

    Other Pesticide Certifications

    Ontario Pesticide Training & Certification is available for anyone wanting to become a Licenced Exterminator or Technician.  You need to be a licensed exterminator to apply pesticides for a pesticide application business. Call 1-888-620-9999.

    IPM Course for Corn and Soybeans is available for anyone wanting to become certified to buy and use Class E (12) pesticides. Class E (12) pesticides are corn and soybean seeds treated with imidacloprid, clothianidin, or thiamethoxam. Call 1-866-225-9020

    If you are unsure how Ontario's pesticide regulation applies to your situation, please contact the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Regional Office nearest you and ask to speak with a Pesticides Specialist. The Specialist will tell you which certificate or licence you require.


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