Pesticide Vendors

There are three types of pesticide vendor licences in Ontario -- General, Limited and Treated Seed.  A vendor licence is not required for a business that only sells Class D pesticides intended for household use (e.g. insect repellents) that are less than or equal to one kilogram or one litre.

General Vendor Licence

General Vendors may sell Class A, B, C or D pesticides.  A business with a General Vendor Licence must have at least one full-time person on staff at the business outlet who is certified.  

A Certified Vendor, referred to as Outlet Representative in the legislation, must:
- be employed at the business outlet on a full-time basis;
- be at least 16 years of age; and
- have successfully completed the Pesticide Vendor Certification Course

Once someone at your business is a Certified Vendor, you must apply to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for a General Vendor Licence for your business or to update vendor information for your business.

Limited Vendor Licence

Limited Vendors may sell Class D pesticides.  You do NOT need to have a Certified Vendor on staff to apply for a Limited Vendor Licence. Also, use the apply link to update vendor information for your business.

Treated Seed Licence

Treated Seed Vendors may sell Class E pesticides.  You do NOT need to have a Certified Vendor on staff to apply for a Treated Seed Vendor Licence. Also, use the apply link to update vendor information for your business.